Worthy Book, there’s so much happening throughout the week. All of us in Worthy
Book enjoy the thrill of meeting new challenges and are willing to commit
ourselves into our job.
Worthy Book, it’s not just all work but not play, we just had a sharing session few days ago. Around 5.45pm, all of the
staffs are asked to gather in the “living room”. The excitement started to
build up as everyone was so busy chit-chatting (because they get to take a
break from their work hahaha!), some just trots around like an excited kid
while the others just crash themselves into the beanbags with maximum chill.
everyone settled down to their most comfortable position, Vara gave all of us a
piece of paper consisting a number in random without letting us know what’s the
gist of it. When everyone has gotten their paper, turns out that the number
represents the sequence of sharing! Most of us had a short panic attack, but
Vara states that this is just an open sharing that all of us can literally
share anything, even NSFW topics 😁
our second sharing session of the month commences, Suet Li, one of our members
in sales team took the lead and initiated the session of her sharing her
favorite food. Suet Li claims that Penang “Laksa” was the best food in the
whole universe (it was very exaggerating, but she looked very serious). All of
us were so curious where does the legendary “laksa” stall was located, but none
of us knew even after Suet Li explained 😧. The baton was then
passed to Vara where she shared with us about some tips and trick regarding
methods and ways of efficient sleep. She even introduced us apps that can help
us to “schedule” our sleep. From levels of sleep to the correct ways of
sleeping, all of us were amused on how informative her sharing was. There was
one thing Vara shared with us which was very useful to maintain attention and
to gain short term mental alertness is to have a “power nap” before doing work
or study. A 20-minute power nap (or even longer) are scientifically proven as
it can effectively increase alertness and enhance motor-learning skills such as
playing the piano.
As the sharing goes on, we found out that other members also
had something up under their sleeves!
Now, for some interesting facts about our Worthy Book
Nathiya, one of our admin in Worthy Book was actually doing
a mini business where she sells Indian traditional costumes! She took different
type of Indian costumes such as Sari, Dhoti and the like from her friend and
promotes them through words of mouth. She is now considering to “upgrade” her mini
business to online business, wish her luck!
Justine, members of the sales team knows how to do Yoga! She
had been learning Yoga for 2 years, specifically “Iyengar Yoga” which the word
“Iyengar” originates from a name of a person. Justine is now a semi-pro and she
even performed a full 180 degree split in front of us!
Kelvian, who just joined Worthy Book weeks ago said that he
had literally broken every vital joint and bones in his body before as he
played Frisbee as a sport back in his high school. All of us were so shocked
after knowing that, but don’t worry! He’s fine and standing strong right
Suanne, our General Manager in Worthy Book had an
interesting pastime which she love to go for spa and massage at least once in a
week. She specifically stated that she doesn’t like Thai-styled massage because
she felt Thai-styled massage was too extreme for her 😱. Besides, Suanne
claimed that massaging can soothe your muscles and release our tension and
stress. Right now most of us were so tempted to go to try massaging!
Yi Tong, another intern, on the other hand loves to read and
reading is her biggest hobby! Her favorite author is Jodi Picult who wrote
“House Rules”, “The Storyteller” and “Leaving Time”. Jodi Picult is an author
who excels in dissecting and portraying the tangle of family relationships and
the counterbalance of love. If you are keen to novels of the similar genre
(love/ general fiction), you may want to check her book out!
Wee Long is the new guy in Worthy Book. When it is his turn
to share something, Sabilla, an intern who also joined Worthy Book not long ago
threw a question at him where all of us wanted to ask him for a long time since
he joined us…
“Why are you always wearing formal attire?”
All of us burst into laughter immediately after Sabilla
finished her question, because all of us in the office was wearing casual
outfit except for Wee Long. However, Wee Long side of story is that he thinks
wherever he is under a working place or a working environment, he is accustomed
to formal wear.
“I actually like casual wear more than formal wear,
especially long pants, I hated it.” Wee Long claimed.
Sorry Wee Long, we don’t meant to tease you! 😛
Claudia, also doing her internship in Worthy Book says that
she’s a big movie-holic. She states that she had spent a ginormous amount of
money on movie tickets and popcorns which is enough to feed a family of three
😜. Jokes aside, her favorite movie is “Sing 2016” directed by Garth
Jennings. If you are interested, go ahead and watch it online!
Last but not least, Joanne, our intern designer, Giselle,
our permanent designer and Joyce, also doing her internship in Worthy Book
shared some difficulties they met in their work. They proposed several ways to tackle
stress and heavy work load. They also advised us some important values we
should adopt in workplace such as tolerance, acceptance and respect. All of us
had a mutual understanding and agreed to what they had shared.
Did I mention Xavier
and Sabilla?
Sabilla is a bit shy
and only managed to introduce herself to us. It’s OK Sabilla, we’ll prepare
lots of questions for you in the next sharing session!
As for Xavier…he was
rushing for bus that day. In the end, he only briefly introduced himself and
rushed back to the office to pack his stuff. 😁 He is doing his intern as
well, and his hobby is plastic modeling, reading and gaming. He also writes short stories on his blog! If you ask me how
do I know his hobby and such...well…because I’m the one writing this blog
The sharing session
readily ends around 6.20pm. All of us carries a special piece we shared among
ourselves and we hope this special piece will remain in our pocket for a long,
long time.
Sharing is never a
boring thing to do.
The most cliché
statement may still be the truest, as everyone says…Sharing is caring!
See you in the next
Good bye, so long!
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